April Carvelli
Top 10 Cosplay Crafting Tools You Can’t Live Without
This list of crafting tools helps you on your journey to creating a cosplay!
[Cosplay Photos] Emerald City Comic Con 2023
ECCC 2023 brought an estimated 75,000 people to the Seattle area.
Cosplay Costume Convention Packing List
It may seem pretty basic, but it helps keep you from forgetting something vital.
[Cosplay Photos] Kawacon 2023
The two-day anime & gaming convention in San Antonio, TX, ran Feb. 25-26!
[Cosplay Photos] Alaska ComiCon 2023
Cosplayers, guests & vendors came from across North America to attend this event.
[Book News] Get Your Reading Fix w/ the Latest from Baen Books – March Releases
A look at the sci-fi & fantasy books coming this March from Baen Books!
Convention Essentials: Types of Cosplay Conventions
There are many different types of cosplay conventions, also known as “cons,” that cater to different interests and communities. Many are generic entertainment conventions that cover a wide variety…
*NSFW* Cosplay 101 for Men – What to Wear Under Cosplay
When Spandex and your underwear collide, there is a problem. We help you find a solution