[Cosplay Photos] Dublin Comic Con 2023

Dublin Comic Con 2023

Dublin Comic Con Spring Edition 2023 was held over the weekend of March 11th at The Convention Centre Dublin in the heart of Dublin City, Ireland. Dublin Comic Con has been holding two shows a year for several years and this year’s Summer Edition (August 12-13) will mark the 10th anniversary of the event. Dublin Comic Con is a part of Comic Con Ireland Ltd’s range of Pop Culture Events.

Dublin Comic con banner

Sons of Anarchy star Ryan Hurst, Ms. Marvel’s Matt Lintz, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina actress Michelle Gomez, along with Patrick McDonnell, Ben Keaton, and Michael Redmond were some of the guests in attendance.

It was a hugely successful weekend for Ireland’s largest and longest-running fandom event at The Convention Centre. PopCultHQ.com doesn’t cover a lot of overseas events, but it’s always nice to see how they celebrate their fandoms across the globe. Thanks to Conall Wilkinson‘s pictures, we get to see some of it.

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