What does your social media behavior say about you?

Social media

Analyzing someone’s profile on social networks, one must understand that the information there is not a complete picture of life, it is an ideal “I”, which a person created himself and which does not always coincide with objective reality. A person talks about himself, and his values, here he can show his best qualities, and get approval, love, and support, which he lacks in ordinary life. In this article, we will talk about how behavior on social networks can reveal the characteristics of your character.

Ignoring messages

If we are talking about a rush during the working day, then this situation is normal – somewhere there is no time, no answer, forget. In other cases, ignoring messages may indicate a difficult and unstable emotional state, when a person begins to avoid any dialogues, questions, or people.


If it’s not a professional profile, then we look at it like this: we all need a witness to our lives. The presence of this guarantees many that they do not live in vain. Hence the constant search for a soul mate, an escape from loneliness, is often unprofitable for oneself. Most likely, this is internal self-doubt. A person who constantly publishes “Stories”, a photo of his life, is trying to assert himself in this way, to feel his importance and superiority over others, trying to show that he is no worse than the rest.

Self-sufficient people, posting photos on Instagram, are trying to carry some information. But when it’s just thousands of “Stories”, it’s worth considering. Or maybe a person just has too much free time – in this case, everyone spends it differently: someone goes in for sports, someone plays in the casino using the Woo Casino bonus code, and someone sits on social networks and endlessly spreads stories.

Voice messages

You need to understand that everyone is different: there are visuals – they need a picture, video, audials – they need sound, and there is kinesthetics – it is easier for them to write and read. For the auditory, voice messages are an ideal format: in this way, he not only hears, but also listens, and also conveys information. This, however, should be agreed in advance, if we are talking about business negotiations. Each person should be approached according to his perception of the world.


A truly literate person is tolerant of others, and everyone should start first of all with tact. When a person does not bother with literacy, one can say that he is not afraid to show you his real self, he seems to declare: here, I am like this, accept me like that. You do not want? No need.

Exclamation and question marks

Such details betray temperament, and here we are talking about emotional, unrestrained personalities. If the interlocutor at the same time writes briefly and concisely, then now he is not in the mood for communication. With such people, it is better to choose visual contact without correspondence.


Someone tries to show their individuality with them, it’s easier for someone to express their feelings, while others prefer “emoji” to text. People who actively use emoticons are much easier to start relationships with others, they are more emotional and are not shy about their emotions and feelings. In addition, communication on social networks without “emoji” may seem like a sign to someone that something has happened, so here you should pay attention to the temperament, character of a person, his sensitivity.

Instagram Feed Update

We have mirror neurons in our brains, thanks to them we pick up someone else’s mood and appropriate it a little for ourselves. It is due to mirror neurons that we cry, laugh when we watch movies, read a book, and communicate with people. When we see someone else’s success on social media, we get a tiny dose of both positive and negative emotions that the other person broadcasts to us. That is, a person who frequently updates the tape, one way or another, needs such constant emotional nourishment. As a rule, such people have a large number of acquaintances, friends, and so on.

Ignoring calls

Interacting with other people on a physical level or using the phone requires concentration and time. As part of the daily multitasking of such a direction (“Hi” and so on) is a big load. In this case, a phone call breaks the correlation (the interdependence of two or more random variables) with the place, interference occurs and the execution of the current task is disrupted. In fact, interference is created and fragmentation of activity is caused, which can lead to loss of meaning, fatigue, overload, and even burnout.

By refusing such an “invasion”, people demonstrate the ability to manage their digital relationships. Therefore, in our time, even such a thing as a “culture of behavior with phone calls” has appeared, when a call is warned in advance.