[Video] Last Night on CONAN (10/3/18): Conor McGregor | Brian Posehn | The Kills

Conan 10.3.18

PopCultHQ brings you all the best clips from last night on CONAN!

On Wednesday, October 3rd, Conan welcomes
Conor McGregor, Brian Posehn, and musical guest The Kills

*** Editor’s Note: The Conor McGregor videos may have issues with playback. The Conan show experienced some playback issues for their “via satellite” interview with McGregor. The first video ft. Conor will play properly, as the show uploaded it to YouTube. This article will be updated as the other McGregor videos become available and/or functioning. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Conan’s Jacket Doesn’t Fit:

Conan interrupts his monologue to call out his wardrobe supervisor Bruce.

Conan Watches Himself On TV:

A clip of a border collie watching herself on TV went viral — so why not this?

Gritty Unmasked:

Conan interviews the man inside the Gritty costume.

Introducing: Merriwether Tea’s Deep Dose Tea:

Chase the chamomile dragon.

Conor McGregor: Khabib Nurmagomedov Is Slow & Flat Footed:

CONAN Highlight: Khabib Nurmagomedov has wrestled
a Dagestani bear, but he’s never wrestled an Irish gorilla.

Conor McGregor: Floyd Mayweather Beat Me Fair & Square:

Let’s just say Conor is excited to kick again.

Conor McGregor Is Not Giving Back His UFC Belts:

Conor says the UFC would need an army to physically take the belts from him.

Conor McGregor: Khabib Nurmagomedov Fears Me:

When Conor looked into Khabib’s eyes at a press conference,
he saw his opponent’s eyeballs turn to glass.

Conor McGregor Has A Marble Statue Of Himself In His Garage:

Conan also a statue. But it was never in a posh London
art gallery and it is definitely not made of marble.

Conan & Andy Toast Conor McGregor Ahead Of UFC 229:

Conan and Andy lift a glass of Conor’s very own whiskey
ahead of Conor’s match against Khabib Nurmagomedov.

Brian Posehn’s Very Nerdy Fight:

Brian stomped on what he thought were his opponent’s glasses.
They were his own.

Brian Posehn: “Star Wars” Taught Me About Masturbation:

Brian first learned about masturbation during a childhood
bath wherein his penis played the role of the Dark Lord.

Brian Posehn Pulled An Earthquake Prank On Dave Chappelle:

That was 25 years ago. Brian hasn’t seen Chapelle since.

The Kills “Sour Cherry” 10/03/18:

The Kills perform a track off their 2008 album Midnight Boom.

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