Review: POWERLESS – S1E1: “Wayne or Lose” [Spoiler-Free]
Imagine working for Bruce Wayne. How...

Meet Tracy V. Wilson from HowStuffWorks at C2E2
Tracy V. Wilson is a guests and panel speaker at this years C2E2. She is a name that you might not be familiar with, but you probably have seen her work.Tracy and her cohost, Holly Frey, will be talking about the history of pizza — where it came from, why it’s become such a junk food staple in so much of the world, and how Chicago developed its own style of deep-dish, cheesy-tomato goodness. Sounds like a pretty Yummy topic to me.

The Walking Dead Norman Reedus on SNL Weekend Update with Pro-Weed Skit!
The Walking Dead adds a little bit of life to a zombified skit with a guest appearance of Norman Reedus on SNL