PopCultHQ Comic Book Review: ‘ALL NEW FATHOM’ #1 by Aspen Comics
From beneath the tides she was born… Above the sea level she was raised… On the surface, she is a marine biologist… Yet, under the surface she is something…
PopCultHQ Comic Book Review: Aspen / Big Dog Ink – LEGEND OF OZ: THE WICKED WEST #4
LEGEND OF OZ: THE WICKED WEST #4 Covers Tom Hutchinson – Story / Allison Borges – Art / Kate Finnegan – Colors PopCultHQ Review: The Legend of Oz, from…
Aspen Comics: 10/21 release, Eternal Soulfire #4!
ETERNAL SOULFIRE #4 JT Krul – Story / Alex Konat – Art / Federico Blee – Colors Michael Turner’s classic action-adventure series re-emerges with a brand new era of…