PopCultHQ Comic Book Review – GFT Satan’s Hollow #2 (of 6) from Zenescope Entertainment (Out 4/27/16)


PopCultHQ received a preview copy of Grimm Fairy TalesSatan’s Hollow #2 (of 6) from Zenescope Entertainment. Arriving in stores today, Wednesday, April 27th, the creative team for this new mature readers series features writing from Joe Brusha, interior artist Allan Otero, colorists J.C. Ruiz and Fran Gamboa, letterer Matt Krotzer, and cover artist Ian Richardson.

Here is PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of Grimm Fairy TalesSatan’s Hollow #2 (of 6)


PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review: Satan’s Hollow #2 (of 6)

If you are new to the series as I am, here’s the storyline from Satan’s Hollow #1:

SH2After the disappearance of a local boy in Blue Ash, Ohio, things only seem to get stranger for new residents Sandra and John Ward. With their move into Sandra’s childhood home, there may have been more than just old memories awakened as they learn from the locals about the tunnels of Satan’s Hollow and the past cult activities. Sandra and John are trying to just fit in, but seem to be getting thrown into the middle of this local legend more than either of them know. Down in the tunnels, the being known only as the Shadow Man has been summoned and it looks like hell may be coming to this small town…

This new miniseries, spun from the pages of Grimm Fairy Tales, surprised me upon learning that not only is there a town called Blue Ash, Ohio, but there actually is a place known as Satan’s Hollow! Apparently it was given this nickname because of devil-worshiping rituals and the townsfolk hearing screams coming for the old storm sewer. For more on the real-life Satan’s Hollow, I’ve provided a link to a news broadcast below. For right now, let’s review this new book.

So, as mentioned above, seeing this title use a true-life urban legend hand me on board right away. If you watch theSH3 video (see below), I have to hand it to writer Joe Brusher for bringing this story out and developing it for a comic nook. It’s interesting, compelling, and quite moving. Also, you could actually feel the fear in the townsfolk. That’s not always easy to do.

The artwork in Satan’s Hollow is exceptional. Artist Allan Otero have a beautiful style and depth you rarely see in comic books. The color choices, and the shading, really make these characters pop. Colorists J.C. Ruiz and Fran Gamboa do a phenomenal job with, dare I say selecting the perfect colors. The lettering was a solid performance from letterer Matt Krotzer (very nice inner dialogue boxes). Cover artist Anthony Spay (who does the “B” cover) truly wowed me. I have been a big fan of Magik from the X-Men and seeing the cover made me instantly smile as was reminded of her.

<I apologize to Zenescope  and the creative team for talking about a Marvel Property>

The only gripe (maybe too strong of a word) was the placement of the panels. There were a couple of times where I went to the wrong panel. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the panel layout. It’s doing something different and giving it flair. Just begged me a tad when I took the wrong panel.


Overall,, I would suggest picking up a copy, print or digital, as it is an intriguing and gripping story. I would certainly continue to read this mini-series due to the tremendous collaboration by this creative team. And you know Zenescope brings it!

PopCultHQ’s Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


Zenescope 1

Available Covers for Satan’s Hollow #2 (of 6):

(W) Joe Brusha (A) Allan Otero (C) J.C. Ruiz, Fran Gamboa  (L) Matt Krotzer (CA) Ian Richardson
Something sinister is happening in this Blue Ash and everything seems to lead back to one place…a place where strange things have been seen in the woods and where local legends claim devil worshippers once performed evil rituals… a place called Satan’s Hollow.