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PopCultHQ Comic Book Review: AfterShock Comics – Strayer #4

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In this issue of Strayer, we are introduced to the ways of tribal leadership within the Kasha. As it is explained right away, for the Kasha it’s all about who can stay king of the mountain longest without dying. It does not matter if you’re the biggest or strongest, it’s about being the last one standing that earns you the right to become leader.

Well, it just so happens that Strayer, our mysterious hero, has just run into the Kasha leader and it’s about to go down!

Strayer has been looking forward to this fight for sometime and he’s about to let these Kasha know exactly what he feels about their kind. And just when Strayer looks to be defeated, he might just still have some tricks up his sleeves. Also, what happens if Strayer does defeat the Kasha leader? Find out when you read Strayer #4 out now!

PopCultHQ rating: 3.5 stars out of 5

PCHQ 3.5

Another hilariously written issue with tons of action-filled panels of pure slugfest brutality, served up once more by writer Justin Jordan and artist Juan Gedeon. The action does not stop from the first page until the very last one and the final panel only spells more impending doom for this rag-tag group of wandering fantasy-style warriors on a secret mission. While I immensely enjoyed the backstory and the non-stop slaughtering, a few of the jokes felt a bit flat and I felt that there was no way our heroes wouldn’t prevail by the end. The cliffhanger is setting up something big to come and the overall plot of the epic journey is still the main focus. I can’t wait to see what comes next, as Justin Jordan has told me where Strayer the series is hoping to lead in the future with lots of twists to come. More with Justin Jordan in PopCultHQ’s upcoming exclusive interview with the AfterShock Comics writer… stay tuned.

Strayer #4


Official Synopsis: 

Normal, everyday Kashas are usually quite the problem for Strayer, so why is he happy to see a giant one? This action-packed series full of swords, monsters and adventure takes no rest as Justin Jordan and Juan Gedeon kick things into high gear!

Preview pages:

Written by: Justin Jordan
Art by: Juan Gedeon
Colored by: Tamra Bonvillain
Cover by: Juan Gedeon

Sold By: Comic book stores, Comixology


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