Moving Cat Ears for the Perfect Cat Girl Cosplay

Yesterday we showed you the tail, and today it’s the ears. Check out these Twitchy Kitty Cat Ears, they are fantastic for your newest cosplay, or your Halloween costume.

Twitchy Kitty Cat Ears

And they can be in several positions, denoting your mood.
iumg_twitchy_kitty_cat_ears_grid_embedBest of all these are on Sale for $19.99.

Twitchy Kitty Cat Ears Twitchy Kitty Cat Ears

The unfortunate part of cosplaying an animal is that you can’t easily replicate the twitching of a tail or the perking up of ears. This is true for a kitty Halloween costume or for furry fandom felines. As humans, we can only go so far in portraying the majesty of the cat.Until now…Meet Twitchy Kitty Animatronic Ears. With a convenient remote control, this headband lets you share your emotion through your ears, the same way cats do. Stuck in traffic? Ears flat…