[Cosplay Interview] ‘Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar’: SKS Props & Wildkarde
Wulfgar & Austin chat w/ SKS Props & Wildkarde
[Cosplay Interview] ‘Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar’: The Egg Sisters
Wulfgar & Austin chat w/ Courtney and Dana – The Egg Sisters.
[Cosplay Interview] ‘Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar’: John Quade
Hear from John Quade from Wulfgar Weapons on this week’s interview.
[Cosplay Interview] ‘Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar’: Ginoza Costuming
Wulfgar, Knight & Austin chat w/ Brittani Ginoza of Ginoza Costuming!
[Cosplay Pics] Oz Comic Con Pop Up 2021
Oz Comic Con held their first event of the year, the OCC Pop Up in Sydney.
[Cosplay Interview] ‘Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar’: Bio Cosplay
Wulfgar, Knight & Austin chat w/ Sam Brooker of Bio Cosplay!
[Cosplay Interview] ‘Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar’: IronBear Armory
Wulfgar, Knight & Austin chat w/ Freddie IronBear of IronBear Armory!
‘Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar’ Interviews TrisRex Cosplay
This week’s Lowering the Bar with Wulfgar interview was TrisRex Cosplay, a 2020 C2E2 Crown Championship of Cosplay Armor Contestant.
Cosplay Photos: Wellington Armageddon 2020
While the rest of the world is avoiding social gatherings, New Zealand had another convention. This week, it was Armageddon in Wellington. The guests may have been virtual, but…
Cosplay Photos: Tauranga Armageddon Expo 2020
The big Comic Cons and Cosplay conventions may only be virtual in North America, but they seem to have returned to other parts of the world. Armageddon Expo is…