Comic BooksComic Reviewsindependent ComicNew Comic Book Day [Comic Book Review] IDW’s TRANSFORMERS ’84: Secrets & Lies TPB Transform and roll out for the 80's with a graphic novel that is a sure-fire success. Joshua WinchesterMar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021
Comic BooksComic Reviewsindependent Comic [Comic Book Review] IDW’s THE MARVEL ART OF THE BROTHERS HILDEBRANDT Get ready for a literal visual feast that is going to leave everyone who dives in full and satisfied. Joshua WinchesterFeb 23, 2021Feb 23, 2021
Comic BooksComic Reviewsindependent Comic [Comic Book Review] IDW’s JIM LEE’S X-MEN ARTIST’S EDITION Face front, true believers! Joshua WinchesterFeb 23, 2021Feb 23, 2021
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Comic BooksComic PreviewsComic Reviewsindependent Comic [Comic Book Review] Image/Top Cow’s A MAN AMONG YE Vol. 1 TPB High adventure on the high seas in the waning days of piracy, when men were men, and the best pirates were…women? Joshua WinchesterFeb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021
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Comic BooksComic Reviewsindependent ComicNew Comic Book Day [Comic Book Review] IDW’s GODZILLA: History’s Greatest Monster TPB Beware the mighty Godzilla, King of Monsters! Joshua WinchesterJan 27, 2021Sep 13, 2024