Dru is having another one of her ideas, as her dreams are now leading her desires of gaining super powers into dangerous grounds. With an idea of using the help of solar radiation waves to obtain them. Just like a superhero family from the comic books did. Dru thinks if she finds her way onto a launch site, all her plans will fall into place…..
As we’ve seen in previous issues, not everything goes as planned in the superhero creation world. Still itching in spots from the ant bites inflicted a few issues ago in that origin attempt, we see Dru still has not learned her lessons in trying to become a comic book hero.
Before Dru embarks on her space journey, she has to take care of another pressing issue. Dru decides to bravely confront her best friend’s father with the knowledge gained from her superior detective work (and by superior detective work, I mean, bugging his house with hidden recording devices). Risking life, limb and most importantly….getting tossed in jail, Dru manages the impossible. What Dru does for her friends… now that is the stuff that makes true heroes!
PopCultHQ rating: 4.5 out of 5
Another fantastic issue of SuperZero from Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner, as the references keep flying for the pop culture savvy to pick up. Keep following along with Dru’s crazy wild adventures of wanting so badly to become a superhero. This issue grabs you right by the feels and won’t let go, until the final brilliant panel from Rafael de Latorre and Marcelo Maiolo’s spectacular artwork. So pick up your copy at the LCS and strap in to enjoy the ride as you take it all in!
SuperZero #4
Written by:
Amanda Conner
Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by: Rafael de Latorre
Colored by: Marcelo Maiolo
Cover by: Amanda Conner
Dru gets herself into deeper trouble with those around her when she gets an insane idea in her head that could never succeed in a million years…or could it? Find out what friends in high places can do for our hero–and the price Dru will pay for it!
Preview pages:
About Book
Science Fiction
Page Count
34 Pages
Age Rating: 17+ Only
Copyright: PaperFilms, Inc.
Sold by: ComiXology