[Video Interview] “Pants Optional” – Episode XXIII: Scott Fogg & Leslie Foster

“Pants Optional” is PopCultHQ’s Zoom video interview feature where we connect with individuals within the comic book community. It’s a way to see/hear what creators have been doing during the pandemic, projects which may be in motion during this downtime, and noteworthy events and happenings taking place in lieu of conventions, appearances, and the weekly NCBD grind.

For Episode XXIII, I spoke with writers Scott Fogg & Leslie Foster. The duo have teamed up for PRINCE OF THE SILENT PLANET: The Untold Tales of John Carter – a 104-page, full color, graphic novel adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars. Featuring art by Kelsi Jo Silva and letters by Full Court Press, the team have brought their project to Kickstarter and need your help to fund the making of the book as well as printing it.

Their entire team is made up of independent artists who are committed to art and storytelling. They have a combined 70 years of experience in artistic production and have seen just about everything and know how to respond to those things that would derail them. You can count on the team being transparent and keeping you, the backer, in on the process. Back the campaign and you’re essentially part of the team!

Here’s a quick preview of their latest project…

Prince of the Silent Planet: The Untold Tales of John Carter

Writers: Scott Fogg & Leslie Foster
Artist: Kelsi Jo Silva
Lettering: Full Court Press

Prince of the Silent Planet is the epic tale of John Carter, a Black civil war veteran who’s spent his life fighting for a better world, without a whole lot of luck, until he stumbles into a cave and is mysteriously transported to Mars, where he meets strange beings and has incredible adventures and fights for the planet’s future!

So sit back and hear from Scott & Leslie as they discuss their reimagining of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars, the change in dynamic by giving John Carter the perspective of a Black civil war veteran, and how they value the backers of the campaign.


A very special thanks to Scott Fogg & Leslie Foster for taking the time to speak with us at PopCultHQ. Be sure to check out the Prince of the Silent Planet campaign and help make this project a reality!

If you are an industry professional and are interested in being featured in our “Pants Optional” segment, hit me up at tahoejbennett@popculthq.com and let’s see what we can put together!