New This Week from Marvel Comics: GHOST RIDER: Final Vengeance #5
The grudge match you’ve been waiting for is here!
New This Week from Marvel Comics: GET FURY #3 (of 6)
The Viet Cong have Nick Fury in the infamous “Hanoi Hilton” prison.
New This Week from Marvel Comics: ANNIHILATION 2099 #2
STAR LORD guards the solar systems of 2099!
New This Week from AHOY Comics: DEADWEIGHTS #4 (of 6)
Two unlucky henchmen trying to make their way in the world…
New This Week from BOOM! Studios: CROCODILE BLACK #3 (of 5)
Danny is off his meds and nowhere to be found…
New This Week from BOOM! Studios: THE AMORY WARS: “No World for Tomorrow” #3 (of 12)
In a search for limitless power, death is only the beginning…
New This Week from BOOM! Studios: MECH CADETS Vol. 2 Command and Control TPB
Stanford Yu, Maya Sanchez, Frank Olivetti, and Park’s own daughter Olivia are Earth’s best hope.