[Cosplay 101] Basic Guidelines for Beneath Your Spandex
You don't want the world to see everything & you don't want to be uncomfortable.

[Cosplay Photos] Holiday Matsuri 2022
A nerdy explosion of holiday cheer that has something for everyone!

[Cosplay Photos] Spookala: Holiday Spooktacular 2023
The Spookala: Holiday Spooktacular ran over the December 17th weekend.

[Cosplay Photos] Armageddon Expo Wellington 2022
Armageddon Expo returned to the Sky Stadium in Wellington, New Zealand over the December 3rd weekend.

[Cosplay Photos] Wales Comic Con 2022
Wales Comic Con took place place over the weekend of December 3rd at the International Centre in Telford.

[Cosplay Photos] Anime Frontier 2022
Some of the biggest guests in anime & manga made rare appearances in Texas!

[Cosplay Photos] Anime Dallas 2022
Anime Dallas is a three-day event that occurred over the Thanksgiving Day weekend

[Cosplay/Convention] Recap: Chicago TARDIS 2022
Chicago TARDIS 2022 was held at The Westin Chicago Lombard & I attended on behalf of PopCultHQ.

[Cosplay Photos] Bengaluru Comic Con
After a two-year hiatus, Comic Con India returned to Bengaluru on November 19th.