Cosplay Spotlight: Valerie Meachum
Today’s Cosplay Spotlight features Valerie Meachum. She is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to entertainment; on top of the cosplay she also acts, sings and writes. She most recently…
Cosplayer Spotlight: Adam Watney of Watney Props
PopCultHQ’s Cosplayer Spotlight falls on Adam Watney of Watney Props! Adam is a cosplayer (and propmaker) you’ve probably seen around the Chicago and Southern Indiana conventions. He’s serious about…
[Interview] PopCultHQ Cosplay Spotlight: Kristie Good ~ Karmada Cosplay
Kristie Good, better known in the cosplay community as Karmada Cosplay, will be a featured cosplay guest at this year’s Grand Rapids Comic Con. Kristie has been creating cosplay for…
[Interview] PopCultHQ Cosplay Spotlight: Leah Woltanski ~ Chaotic Neutral Cosplay
Leah Woltanski, better known in the cosplay community as Chaotic Neutral Cosplay, will be a featured cosplay guest at this year’s Grand Rapids Comic Con. Though she only has…
Cosplay Spotlight: Timothy R. Harrison
Tim Harrison of HDC Cosplay and Fabrication is a long time cosplayer, propmaster and all-around tech geek. Reptile (AKA Laird of Cosplay) had the opportunity to corner to him for…
IKEA Shares How To Make Your Own ‘Game of Thrones’ Cape
When you see the costumes on HBO’s Game of Thrones, you may think that they cost hundreds or thousands of dollars and are likely made from hard-to-find items, right?…
PopCultHQ’s Reptile Talks to Star Wars Fans at C2E2 2017
C2E2 has come and gone, but while attending the convention, I thought I would join in with the cosplay theme. I kicked in my hologram mode and I slipped into…
Cosplay Photos: SupaNova Melbourne
In my search for cosplay photos, I run across some wonderful pics and get to “e-meet” awesome people from all across the world. This week’s search for fantastic cosplay…
Cosplay Spotlight – Foamsmeef
At C2E2 this year, I had the opportunity to meet and speak with cosplayer Foamsmeef. He has an impressive list of accomplishments, including several Best Prop, Craftmanship, and Best…