Some of The Biggest Comic and Cosplay Convention Mistakes to Avoid

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With hundreds of comic and cosplay conventions held throughout the United States every single year, fans of every genre, show, and comic book can find one or more gatherings they’ll enjoy within close proximity. The vast majority of these conventions occur without any major hiccups or issues, but every convention has its fair share of issues, obstacles, and situations that attendees will want to avoid.

From picking the wrong costume materials to avoiding disastrous social situations, expert convention-goers know what to avoid. However, for those attending their first convention, some insider information can go a long way toward improving the fun, comfort, and peace of mind they’ll have while there.

Let’s look at the biggest comic and cosplay convention mistakes you’ll want to avoid at your next fan gathering.

Choosing the Wrong Costume Materials

Comfort is key at cosplay and comic conventions. Given that many people go to these multi-day affairs and want to get their money’s worth, you’re looking at many hours dressed up in the clothes and costumes you wear. For those planning on dressing up, it’s crucial to select the right types of costume materials.

For example, clothes and costumes with bulky seams can not only disrupt the flow and feel of the attire, but it can also cause friction and discomfort throughout the day. When wearing tighter-fitting costumes, ensuring that proper support (via underwear, tights and/or other supporting garments) exists not only can enhance comfort but will also avoid those unsightly bulges.

Drug and Alcohol Fueled Situations

Comic and cosplay conventions have been long known for their fair share of drinking and partying. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of fun in moderation, but these events can quickly spiral into drama, physical altercations and other unpleasant situations when excessive alcohol and drugs are involved.

Avoiding individuals with erratic behavior is best when attending these conventions. Every convention has its fair share of people using illicit substances, including marijuana, opiates and even crack cocaine (How long does crack stay in your system? Longer than you might think). Even those sticking to purely legal substances such as alcohol can wind up engaging in harassment and other uncouth behavior when imbibing in excess, so be on the lookout.

Not Asking Permission

Every convention has a variety of personalities, and not everybody can nor will get along. Boundaries are crucial at cosplay and comic conventions; it’s much better to ask for permission than to ask for forgiveness. This is why you should always be proactive in communicating with fellow convention goers first before doing anything.

Whether you’re wanting to play fight, take a photo, or even just touch someone’s outfit, it’s vital to ask before acting. With the rampant harassment at comic and cosplay conventions well-documented, you don’t want to be a statistic.

For the most part, cosplay and comic conventions are entertaining and fun-filled adventures for those who attend. However, any situation where hundreds or thousands of people are gathered in close proximity for days at a time can be wrought with mistakes and conflicts – especially when illicit substances and tensions are involved.

As such, be sure to avoid the biggest pitfalls of these conventions by asking for permission before doing anything, steering clear of settings where excessive alcohol or drugs are present, and picking your costume/clothing materials carefully.