Review: Magma Comix’s THE PEDESTRIAN #1 ~ On Sale August 7th

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PopCultHQ received a review copy of THE PEDESTRIAN #1 from Magma Comix, which releases on Wednesday, August 7th. The debut issue is written by Joey Esposito, art by Sean Von Gorman, colors from Josh Jensen, and letters by Shawn Lee.

Here is PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of THE PEDESTRIAN!


Written by Joey Esposito
Illustrated by Sean Von Gorman
Colored by Josh Jensen
Lettered by Shawn Lee
Edited by Bobby Curnow

Covers & Cover Artists:
Cover A by Sean Von Gorman
Cover B by Dean Haspiel

Cover C by Mike Allred w/ Laura Allred

Behold, The Pedestrian! A strange visitor speedwalks into Summer City and silently changes the lives of its residents. But not all is quiet in this sleepy, small town-an ancient conflict linked to the secret history of street signs is brewing! DON’T WALK… RUN! In The Pedestrian, justice always has the right of way!

Writer Joey Esposito (Batman: Urban Legends) reunites with Pawn Shop collaborator, artist Sean Von Gorman (Batman Beyond), for an offbeat tale that will stick with you!


Who is this savior of the streets?

When I first saw the cover for THE PEDESTRIAN #1, it immediately evoked a smile and a light-hearted chuckle. It instantly became appealing to me and elevated my curiosity about the series. Though we only get a taste of the evil Klutch, the group that appears to be the primary antagonists of THE PEDESTRIAN, there’s great potential on the horizon for later issues. Coming from Magma Comix, who has released nothing but bangers this year (The Principles of Necromancy, The Scale Trade, Silicon Bandits, Greaser: Gemini Blues), I knew it required a look to see what else the publisher is putting out. What I found was a crazy creation by creators who are having fun not only telling this story, but are infusing it with a lightheartedness and playful spirit you probably can witness on any given day on their social media accounts. It’s fun, it’s different, it’s another win for Magma Comix.


Writer Joey Esposito has created a fun way of storytelling for THE PEDESTRIAN. Delivering the issue in the form of chapters to detail the lives of different individuals within Summer City adds a unique spin. It makes for a very pleasing delivery and definitely increased my interest – in each story on its own and the book as a whole. Whereas you may normally expect the book to be read from the viewpoint of the main protagonist, in this case the mysterious good Samaritan, it’s written to allow for multiple first-person narrations. Esposito uses this writing style as a means to not only flesh out some of the pertinent characters of the series, but also show how they’re unknowingly connected by the enigmatic hero who appears out of nowhere. Though there are more questions than answers in this debut issue, the writing will leave you intrigued to the point where you HAVE to know what’s to come. Upon finishing my readthrough, I already want to get into issue two. Like now. Seriously.


Sean Von Gorman’s illustrations are quite breathtaking. If you take your time looking over each panel, you’ll see an amazing amount of linework. It’s stunningly detailed in defining the characters as well as the backgrounds, action scenes, and minor additions. One example, when the Pizza Sun delivery was left at the customer’s door, I immediately thought, “Dude, that’s Domino’s. I totally recognize that cheesy bread/wings box!” It actually took me by surprise how much work has been put into illustrating THE PEDESTRIAN #1. There are other indie publishers with more titles and more experience whose books don’t possess the amount of artwork (especially with backgrounds) as this Magma debut contains. It’s evident that Von Gorman is pouring out his love of this tale on every page. 

I do have to say… I keep chuckling when I see The Pedestrian character in subsequent panels as I read. It’s such an over-the-top silliness, which I think really adds to the appeal. A reason to enjoy this even moreso. And FYI, though I have never cosplayed before, I’d totally go Pedestrian at the next comic convention I cover in-person. 


What I appreciated the most about Josh Jensen’s contributions to THE PEDESTRIAN #1 was twofold. First, he nailed the tone and mood on every scene and did so without excess. Whether indoors or outdoors, daytime or night, every panel conveyed what it was meant to without any doubt. Secondly, Jensen’s colors not only gave a lot of definition to Von Gorman’s artwork, he allowed Sean’s bold illustrations be the star, having his color art support and highlight the scenes drawn.

Though sometimes subtle in appearance, Josh’s mastery of light sources enhance a number of shots, as well. Whether stationary items, headlight reflections, the glow of a tv at night, or any of the variety of street lights in this issue, Jensen holds it down as a true professional. I’ll be intentionally watching for more of his contributions and the level they add to future issues. 


I have a feeling Shawn will have a number of opportunities to flex his lettering skills in future issues. In one panel with the twins (pick up a copy so you’ll know which panel I’m referencing!), his contributions conveyed much more to the scene and dialogue than it would had it only contained speech bubbles. Having a talented letterer involved with your project can make a world of difference and Shawn is a huge asset for not only this issue, but assuredly for the series as a whole. There’s a comfort in knowing someone of Shawn Lee’s caliber is attached to a project. You won’t have to worry about lettering that seems out of place or that makes you pause while reading to question it. Lee will assuredly continue to produce in a way that keeps a consistent flow of the narrative, seemlessly merging the panels. That’s always a win.

Overall Assessment:

Throughout my reading of the first issue of THE PEDESTRIAN, I found myself filled with a number of emotions. It was delightfully intriguing, surprisingly entertaining, curiously interesting, beautiful to behold, and, at times, mildly disturbing (but in a fun way!). All of that combined make for an incredibly appealing premiere issue and a series that rises to the top of your want list. It’s a wildly bizarre concept, but one that strangely works. Magma has taken another step in the right direction in picking up THE PEDESTRIAN. You’ll become invested, want to read more, and you’ll (f)wish the next issue comes out soon!

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

5 out of 5 Stars

THE PEDESTRIAN #1 is available now! RUN! Don’t Walk to your LCS and snag a copy. Or two. And all the covers. And then get more. 

About Magma Comix:

Magma Comix was founded in 2020 with the vision to create extraordinary stories that move and entertain mature audiences across the globe. Since releasing our first titles in partnership with legendary Heavy Metal Magazine, we’ve grown into an independent publisher committed to empowering comic book creators with the freedom and support necessary to make their 100% creator-owned passion projects that will excite and enthrall our readers. We’re constantly reimagining how to fulfill our promise of delivering a consistent, on-time product line that is produced to the highest standards.

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