Reptile’s Random Previews: Family-Friendly Dragon Con!

Dragon Con wednesday Feature

Hey gang! Here I am again with another Informational take on Dragon Con 2023. This time – Family-Friendly Dragon Con!

Dragon Con logo transparent

So, you’re going to Dragon Con but you are taking the family and wondering, “What would be family-friendly?” Here is a list of things you can do at Dragon Con as a family, in fact, there is a whole track dedicated to kids. These are the events that stood out to us. You can find a lot of the events on the Facebook Kids Track page. Schedules are still being firmed up, so the best way to find out where and when these events are is through the Dragon Con App.

Dragon Con Kids Sketch Book

All weekend

Dragon Con has free sketch books for the kids to take around to a select comic and artists tables displaying a special symbol and the artist will draw something unique in their sketch book. Thus the kiddies having a special keep sake from the con.

Kids Create Drawing

Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. (not offered on Saturday)

Kid’s Track is bringing out Drawing Workshops that are being presented by Kids! Yup, Kids helping kids. Paper and drawing supplies are provided at the event and kids 6 to 13 are welcome. Kids under 16 must be with a parent or guardian and kids over 7 must have a badge.

MSFM Charity Crafts and Games Night


The Military Sci-Fi Media track is bringing you games and activity stations for the whole family. Their will be card games, board games, and crafting for all ages while supporting the CURE for Childhood Cancer.

Intro to Table Top Roleplaying Games


Gaming will be rolling out a workshop to teach the basics of running a kid-friendly RPG table top campaign. Featuring the basics of shared story telling for your own home game.

Create a Puppet Workshop


The Puppetry Track is presenting a Make your own Dragon Con Dragon Puppet. Open to all ages but they ask you to allow at least 20 minutes for the process.

Hands on Science Power Hour


The Science Track is offering an hour-long event where they challenge you to get through as many experiments in that hour that you can. Kids and adults are both welcome to try this event.

First Robotics Demo


Ignite Robotics mentors, a FIRST robotics competition team, invite you to sessions 1 and 2 of competitive robotics. Their will be a Q &A, live demos, Robot test drives, table top robot games you can play as well as guiding you through how to become involved in one of the largest robotics programs for kids ages 4 to 18. Come out and meet the people who make the robots go but kids under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Kids Character Encounters


Here’s a chance for kids and parents alike to have an opportunity to meet your favorite characters and get a photo with them. This event allows you to make some family memories with your kids favorite characters without having to adventure the crowded hallways of the con hoping to see characters you would want pictures with. This year promises to be even better than before with an area for stroller parking, a larger room and a longer period of time to get those treasured photos. Kids under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and everyone over the age of 7 must have a Dragon Con Badge to obtain entry.


This is quite the list already, but don’t forget to download the Dragon Con app to get times and places for all the above-mentioned events.

As you can see, there’s quite a bit of things to keep your whole family entertained at Dragon Con.

This has be yet another Reptile’s Random Preview of Dragon Con. Hope to see you there.

Dragon Con is the largest multi-media, pop culture convention focusing on science fiction & fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe – and the best place to celebrate all of these things with fellow fans on Labor Day Weekend.


Dragon Con takes place annually on Labor Day weekend. Dragon Con will be held in our five host hotels the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta Hilton, Sheraton Atlanta, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, and the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel in downtown Atlanta.  Additionally, AmericasMart Buildings 2 and 3 provide a home for our Gaming, Vendors, and Comic and Pop Artist Alley.


The convention opens at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday and runs around the clock until 5:00 p.m. on Monday.  Yep – you heard us right – that’s 96 hours of continuous enjoyment and excitement so come rested and ready to be overwhelmed with options on what to do.  With so many amazing things going on all hours of the day, we recommend you check the app for times.

Sam J JonesThe Vendor Hall and Comic Artist Alley hours are:

Friday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The Walk of Fame and Art Show hours are:

Friday 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Convention – Dragon Con

Dragon ConDragon Con is the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction & fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe. Call us a phenomenon, call us one of the most well attended pop-culture conventions in the country, call us the most fan fun you can have in five days: Dragon Con is where you want to be on Labor Day Weekend!

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be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

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