[Preview] Mad Cave Studios’ 3/6 Release: THE MUSHROOM KNIGHT Vol. 1 OGN

On Wednesday, March 6th, Mad Cave Studios is releasing THE MUSHROOM KNIGHT Vol. 1 OGN!

Here’s a look at the cover, storyline, and preview pages for Mad Cave Studios’ new release on New Comic Book Day…


Written & Illustrated by Oliver Bly
Colors by Oliver Bly & Steph Snow
Color Flats by Anna Marie Navaja

Letters by AndWorld Design

Edited by Mike Marts & Christina Harrington

Cover Art by Oliver Bly

A chivalrous faerie mushroom embarks on a quest to uncover a clandestine threat that has brought calamity to his magical woodland kingdom.

An adolescent girl from northwest Philadelphia desperately searches for her lost dog.

As their destinies coalesce, a whimsical friendship forms. But peril is nigh, and their respective journeys threaten to challenge the foundation of their realities… and reality itself.


A fantastical series-starter with sumptuous art, delightful dialogue, and lovable characters.”
—Kirkus Reviews

I do hope to see more from this writer/creator in the future,
as I think his depiction of nature is gorgeous, earthy, and fresh.

—Back Shelf Books

Fantasy lovers will relish this gorgeously wrought escapade.”
—Publishers Weekly

About Mad Cave Studios:

Driven by madness and committed to quality. Mad Cave Studios provides quality entertainment with a fresh take on an array of genres. From fantasy and action to sci-fi and horror, Mad Cave publishes stories that resonate with unapologetic and authentic audiences.

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