On Wednesday, April 17th, Mad Cave Studios is releasing LOVE ME: A Romance Story #1!
Here’s a look at the covers, storyline, and preview pages for Mad Cave Studios’ release on New Comic Book Day…
LOVE ME: A Romance Story #1
Written by Francesca Perillo
Art by Stefano Cardoselli
Colors by Lorenzo Scaramella
Letters by Buddy Beaudoin
Cover Art & Cover Artists:
Cover A by Stefano Cardoselli (Pre-Order HERE)
Cover B by Nimit Malavia (Pre-Order HERE)
Cover C by Dustin Nguyen (Mad Cave Exclusive Variant) (Pre-Order HERE)
New York City, sometime in the far future, where robots like JoJo have taken over the tasks humans no longer want to perform…like driving a taxi. JoJo is pretty happy with his lot in life but feels as though something is missing…then he meets Gilda and it’s love at first sight. But the course of true love is a bumpy one and JoJo is going to find that out firsthand when he discovers that Gilda is entangled with the mafia that runs his beloved city, and they’re very much against this potential union for their own reasons. Watch out, JoJo!
About Mad Cave Studios:
Driven by madness and committed to quality. Mad Cave Studios provides quality entertainment with a fresh take on an array of genres. From fantasy and action to sci-fi and horror, Mad Cave publishes stories that resonate with unapologetic and authentic audiences.
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