PopCultHQ received a preview copy of NVRLND #4 (of 4) from 451. Available this coming New Comic Book Day (NCBD), Wednesday, November 23rd, the creative team for this miniseries features writing from Dylan Mulick & Stephanie Salyers, with art by Leila Leiz.
If you’d like to get up to speed, please check out PopCultHQ’s reviews of prior issues of NVRLND. No worries, all reviews are spoiler-free:
Writers: Dylan Mulick, Stephanie Salyers
Artist/Cover Artist: Leila LeizWhat’s the difference between falling and flying? Can you really get so high you never land? The introductory volume of 451’s critically acclaimed neo-noir fairy tale comes to a close as a showdown on the east side of Los Angeles ignites. In one corner you have Hook and his deranged, drug-riddled posse of Pirates looking to cash in on the corruption of Hollywood High’s students, in the other you have The Savages willing to do anything to defend Tiger Lily and her family. Smack dab in the middle is Wendy Moria Angela Darling. Will Peter arrive in time to save the love of his life? Find out in the shocking conclusion. To die would be an awfully big adventure…
PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
The Darlings. The Mayor. The pixie dust case. Tiger Lily. The aging of Peter. The gang war. James Hook. You thought you knew? You had no idea!
Bruh. I can’t recall the last time I was so surprised at an ending of a comic title while smiling at the same time. I have to say, I love James Hook and how he’s portrayed in this series. We even saw a little more of the type of creep this guy can be. Kind of a “love to hate him” kind of antagonist.
NVRLND #4 wraps up this miniseries marvelously and that’s credit to the writing of Mulick and Salyers. Though already considered by me to be a brilliant concept and solid, clever writing throughout, it’s issue four where they are at their best. The story picked up in its intensity and you could feel it as you read along (like a “feel along“?). Stephanie and Dylan magically brought so much more depth to the characters, the environment, and the story, I’m quite amazed that it didn’t in any way feel flooded, you know like with all of the last minute things the writer(s) wants to get in before its finish. TBH, I actually am still curious on a few things. 😉
There is something beautifully artistic in Leila’s illustrations. Art that can capture a moment, embody a feeling, and flow seamlessly panel after panel. With a lot going on in this issue, it required changing scenes quite frequently. But it felt as if each panel prior to a scene change captured just the right image for which to leave fresh in the reader’s mind. That’s really the best way I can explain it. And watching this series transpire, I’ve really gained the sense that Leila’s art has inspired greater work from the writers, which in turn has ultimately led to the artist’s deeper investment in this series. Great team-up for a series!
PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:
I have enjoyed this series immensely from page one of issue one. After reading issue three, where things really picked up on the “big picture” of what’s going down, I was really curious as to how this could all possibly unfold and wrap up in a single issue. Spoiler-free reviews can really suck because you don’t want to give away the ending. Let me say this…the way NVRLND #4 wraps up the series initially (as a fan) left me stunned. As a reviewer, I took time to reflect on what I just read and process it. I have comme to the conclusion that this was likely the best way to end this series one could possibly imagine. I figured I’d be bummed it was coming to a close, but now I’m satiated and abundantly content. I’ll be watching this writing team with great interest and I’m already following Leila on her other work (it’s sweet!).
Kudos to 451 for opting this title. With the strength of this miniseries and their recent debut of Red Dog, they’ve ended the year in bold fashion by making a statement in the comic book community. There truly is Imagination to Burn and we’re glad 451 is bringing it with such a fun, exciting, and breakout series as NVRLND.
PopCultHQ’s Rating:
5 out of 5 Stars
You can purchase NVRLND #4 online and at retailers this Wednesday, November 23rd. And if your local comic shop doesn’t carry NVRLND or 451, tell them that they’re missing out because 451 has Imagination to Burn!
Where does one go to never grow up? The critically acclaimed creator duo of Stephanie Salyers and Dylan Mulick break down the thought process behind 451 Media Group’s most recent hit, NVRLND. The creators explain the process and challenges for updating J.M. Barrie’s classic tale, as well as run down their versions of his beloved characters. The two go on to discuss their admiration for the work of fellow critically acclaimed artist, Leila Leiz. NVRLND is story about magic, but anyone who knows a thing or two about magic will tell you, that means both the light and the dark side. NVRLND is about what it means to be a dreamer, and 451 is so proud to have worked with such talented and hard working creators. These two have imagination to burn! Pick up NVRLND now, wherever comic book are sold.