Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #3 from Valiant, available now, continue its “Risen” story arc. Even if you’re new to this series (or the Valiant Universe), you cannot help but enjoy this issue from cover to cover. The dark, ominous tone featured in the torture lair, the painful imagery of the sadistic barbarism, a hulking antagonist determined to bring misery to Gilad Anni-Padda, and an immortal hero’s tale of loyalty and steadfastness to protect the living world from evils all make for a completely enjoyable read. This impressive issue alone will make you add Wrath of the Eternal Warrior to your pull list.
PopCultHQ Rating:

PopCultHQ’s review:
The brooding Humongous has our hero shackled to a horizontal bedlike device, where he and his minions brutally inflict merciless torture on Gilad. The graphic detail on the panels in these five pages truly evoke imagery of torment and excruciating pain of the Eternal Warrior. While strapped helpless feeling the agony of his oppressors punishment, Gilad is able to subconsciously meet his beloved Leena, along with all his deceased children, in the afterlife. After his explaining the reasons he continually returns to the living world, his love encourages him to endure the demons wrath and continue on.
Upon spiritually returning to the implement of his suffering, Gilad forcibly remove himself from his restraints (though not without injurious repercussions) and decimates the demonic captors.
He flees this lair and he scales a monolithic mountain to reach the Iron Door. Unbeknownst to him, his path is impeded by the craggy Humongous. Now for our hero to return to the land of the living, an intense altercation filled with blood and torment will have to take place.
Available covers:
Torn from the world he once knew, Gilad’s bone-breaking journey back to Earth and the people he was sworn to protect takes a brutal turn!
Putting all he holds dear on the line to save our world’s future, the Eternal Warrior prepares to confront the most nefarious adversary of all – but the cost of victory may be too steep.
Valiant superstars Robert Venditti (BOOK OF DEATH) and Raul Allen (Hawkeye) continue the Eternal Warrior’s perilous quest into the unknown reaches of the Valiant Universe!
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On sale JANUARY 20
Preview pages, courtesy of Valiant: