Imperium #12 from Valiant, available now, continues with “The Vine Imperative – Chapter 4: Between Then and Now” story. The issue focuses on the present day and the past (1968) when Toyo Harada was once being hunted by an assassin, Lord Vine-99 (LV-99), a genetically engineered alien trained in marksmanship. There is a dichotomy that exists between the psiot and the Vine that keeps the reader engaged and intrigued. The shared psychic, collective consciousness of the Vine operatives, or plantings, makes for an enthralling concept. There is a satisfying story in the works and what appears to be a compelling confrontation in the near issues ahead.
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Available covers:
Art by CAFU“THE VINE IMPERATIVE” – FINALE! Spy vs. superhuman!
Toyo Harada’s utopian ambition has been shaken to the depths by a decades-old enemy. Since the day Harada began accruing power, the undercover agents of the Vine’s alien empire have watched…and waited. Years later, as Harada strives to reshape the global economy, establish governments friendly to his goals, and gift the ability of space travel to all humankind, the Vine want him put in check – permanently. Now, with saboteurs riddling his organization and the alien assassin called LV-99 slavering to snap his master’s neck…are the Vine about to succeed?
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On sale JANUARY 20
Preview pages, courtesy of Valiant: