Coming to you from independent comic book company, Tres Calaveras Studios – Sara Rising #1
Co-Plotter, Script, Letterer, Editor – Emilio Rodriguez
Co-Plotter, Pencils, Colors – James Rodriquez
Inks – Michele S. Martin
Color Assist – Wilson Ramos
PopCultHQ review:
Sara is a spunky teenage Latina, who is sometimes viewed as a bit of a troublemaker. She goes to school and has a job at a fast food joint. But Sara has found there is far more to the universe than just the simple things like dealing with mean-girls and her jerk of a boss. That’s when she literally bumps into an even bigger troublemaker, a space pirate alien named Bobarrak. “Bob,” as Sara calls him, comes to Earth trying to repair his ship after a battle with the Syndicate, and to collect his wits.
What this foul-mouthed, quick-wit, bounty hunter alien least expected having to deal with on his visit is an equally smart-mouthed teenage girl from this primitive planet named Earth. Now with the gangster aliens that are hot on Bob’s tail on Earth also, Sara and Bob have to blast their way through a small army.
Did I mention Sara has also gained some spectacularly awesome powers from a Bio-weapon that feeds off her endlessly grand imagination!
There is plenty of great aspects to really enjoy with Sara Rising. Sci-fi space adventure, a very vulgar (Rocket Raccoon-type) alien, a great female lead character and you have no idea who is supposed to be the sidekick here… it’s fantastic!
Sara as an intelligent but oft misunderstood teenage girl, who together with “Bob” team up to give the galaxy all sorts of hell! A pretty fun series that touches on the Latin community, something I feel is highly lacking in comics today. I would absolutely recommend Sara Rising to Sci-fi fans and especially to young Latin readers.
Sara Rising is not an overly serious comic and does find itself with a few ‘plot holes’ for those that want to pick on that sort of stuff. For example, how does the Galaxy know so much current American-style lingo even before they learn of the plant Earth? But this is a comic book, I’ll forgive that.
PopCultHQ Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
The pace of issue #1 is very good, along with the very solid artwork in a 44-page comic. A great job overall from the whole creative team.
I was very pleased to have really enjoyed the entire package from front to back cover. I am very eager to jump into issue #2!
Issue #2’s review will be coming soon, with issue #3 out this Spring!