PopCultHQ Comic Book Review: AGP’s – Monster World #3


Someone’s been holding back some past secrets dealing with the monsters before and it’s not quite who you would expected it to be!

On the front lines of WWI, the soldiers from both sides would take breaks from the fighting during times of holidays (a true story for you non-history buffs). During one of the peace time breaks the American soldiers would be told of the frightening tales of ancient monsters of old that would haunt these same battle fields. The American thought that was just Germans trying to spook them, that was until they actually seen the monsters!

As a very young Barrymore actually faced these same creatures from lore, he recalls the horrors on the field of war, of the encounters with monsters he once faced long ago. Only the new ones he finds today,- are just as shocking as those of his past memories. When our PI begin to learn the truth behind World Studios unprecedented success of horror movies.

PopCultHQ rating: 4 out of 5


A most revealing chapter in the Monster World epic, this one was a blast to see a blend of WWI history mixed with the fabulous monster tales woven together by writers  Philip Kim and Steve Niles.  If you’re not a fan of Monster World just yet, this issue will be a perfect jump-on point!

Monster World #3

Written by:
Philip Kim
Steve Niles

Art by: Piotr Kowalski
Edited by:  Holly Interlandi
Published by: Philip Kim

Barrymore recalls his first meeting with the makeup artist they call John Price — twenty years previously, on a World War I battlefield. But his memories of the night are muddled, and he decides to pay World Studios a visit. Soon everything comes to light as Barrymore is exposed to the secret that has kept the studio running for years!

Preview pages:

About Book

– Crime
– Horror
– Mystery
– Supernatural/Occult
Page Count
24 Pages
Digital Release Date
March 23 2016
Age Rating: 12+ Only
Sold by: ComiXology

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