Necessary Items to Put in Your Emergency Cosplay Repair Kit


Between conventions, cosplay can be a demanding hobby. Cosplayers have to constantly keep their costumes in working condition and prepare for the next event. If you are an avid cosplayer or someone who plans on attending more than one convention this year, you must put together an emergency cosplay repair kit. To find out more about cosplay, click here. This blog post will tell you what items need to go into your emergency repair kit and how they work when disaster strikes!

1. Sewing kit with a needle, thread, and scissors

Your sewing kit is the most useful item that you can bring to a convention or any cosplay event. If your costume comes undone during an event (or even if you just want to make last-minute repairs) you must have every tool necessary for the job. You will need a needle and thread for basic sewing jobs, but you should also bring scissors to cut threads that are in knots. The only way to get out of a tight spot is to calm yourself down and fix your costume. There’s no reason to be frantic if you have everything you need!

2. Duct tape – it’s the ultimate DIY material!

The uses for duct tape are endless. You can use it to make small repairs to your leather shoes or even make a padded bra if you require extra support. You could also use it to create a new belt if the one you brought with you breaks. If your shoes are giving you blisters, duct tape can help! It is also good for holding up wigs when they start to fall off of your head. This sticky tape should be part of any cosplayer’s emergency kit. Chances are that the person sitting next to you at the convention is also a cosplayer, so don’t be afraid to ask them for help! You could probably use a bit of duct tape too.

3. Rubber bands

Rubber bands are another tool that is useful and easy to carry around with you. If you have a broken part on your prop, or if your wig is slipping off while you’re walking around, you can use rubber bands to hold it together. Be careful when using rubber bands though; sometimes they snap back and hurt!

4. Safety pins

A safety pin can be used to connect parts of a costume that are ripped, or you can use the pin itself as a piece of your outfit. The uses for safety pins are endless, but it is important not to overdo it. If you’re using safety pins in every part of your outfit, they will show through! If you want to use them for a piece of your outfit, just remember that the pin will stick out and risk being caught in an escalator or door.

5. Thread in matching color to your outfit if you’re using duct tape or safety pins for repairs

Duct tape, rubber bands, and safety pins will be used to make quick fixes on the spot, but sometimes clothing will require more attention than this. In these cases, you’ll need to sew the hole or rip closed so that it will be undetectable in photos. It’s best to choose thread in a matching color if you want your quick fix to remain hidden from view. Be careful when using thread; make small stitches and try not to use too much tension as it can rip the fabric.

6. A few different colors of fabric paint to fix small tears or holes in clothing that can’t be fixed by sewing alone

You can use fabric paint to make any small tear or hole invisible while still making your costume look presentable. Make sure you bring more than one color though as sometimes it is hard to get a good match. Fabric paint is used by applying it directly to the material using a brush, and then wiping off any extra on a paper towel. Fabric paint can be hard to get out of your clothes so make sure you wash your outfit before wearing it again!


A Cosplay emergency repair kit can come in handy for those small, but oftentimes necessary fixes that are needed to keep your costume looking good. Use these items when you feel the need and maybe someday they won’t be in your emergency kit!