[NCBD 5/24] Valiant’s X-O MANOWAR: Unconquered #3

On Wednesday, May 24th, Valiant Entertainment is releasing the third issue of X-O MANOWAR: Unconquered!

The battle you’ve all been waiting for is finally upon us! X-O MANOWAR versus the rogue Novus Romanus warrior TYHRA ANTIUS in a battle for SHANHARA! Plus a trek deep into the bowels of the Novus Romanus flagship reveals the dark secrets of the imperial plots of the intergalactic empire! Who, or what, is The Engine? Find out more in this week’s new release from Valiant… X-O MANOWAR Unconquered #3!

Here’s a look at the #NCBD release from Valiant this Wednesday!



X-O MANOWAR: Unconquered #3

Written by Becky Cloonan & Michael W. Conrad
Art by Liam Sharp
Letters by Troy Peteri

Cover Artists:
Cover A: Liam Sharp
Cover B: David Rubin
Pre-Order Edition Variant: Kevin VanHook w/ Andrew Dalhouse

On sale May 24th
32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

New intergalactic threat Novus Romanus holds a weakened Aric of Dacia captive. Will our hero survive combat with one of the fiercest and most brash of the Novus Romanus warriors– Thyra Antius in her very own T-O Armor?


Publisher – Valiant Entertainment

Valiant Entertainment, a subsidiary of DMG Entertainment, founded by Dan Mintz, is a leading character-based entertainment company that owns and controls the third most extensive library of superheroes behind Marvel and DC. With more than 90 million issues sold and a library of over 2,000 characters, including X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Harbinger, Shadowman, Archer & Armstrong, and many more, Valiant is one of the most successful publishers in the history of the comic book medium. For more information, visit Valiant on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (links below) and ValiantEntertainment.com. For Valiant merchandise and more, visit ValiantStore.com.