DC Comics is a company long heralded for taking its beloved characters and putting different and unique spins on them. From the Elseworlds titles of the 1990s to Mark Millar’s Superman: Red Son miniseries, various writers and artists have taken these legendary heroes and villains and re-fashioned them in ways that sometimes seem different and strange. Yet ultimately, they are just as enjoyable to read and appreciate as their mainstream counterparts.
DC Bombshells is such a re-fashioning, spun from the mind of Ant Lucia. Initially starting out as a series of pin-up girl statues from DC Collectibles, comics writer Marguerite Bennett took his designs and the statues and turned them into a whole different universe. A universe where the battles of WWII on the front lines and at home are fought by the heroines of DC Comics written and designed after Ant’s work.
PopCultHQ had a chance to talk to Ant about the anniversary of the Bombshells and what he would like to see in the series future.

PopCultHQ Interviews:
Comic Book Artist – Ant Lucia
PopCultHQ – This year marks the 7th or 8th year anniversary since Bombshells first became a thing back in 2011. How do you feel from where you were years ago when it was just you showing off your stuff at a convention to where it is now with it being such a major arm of the DC creative enterprise?
Ant Lucia –Yeah, it’s been incredible. You know when I first started, I just wanted to exhibit and show off my passion and my work and I never could have expected that DC Collectibles team and the publishing side would take notice and give me such an amazing dream project to work on. It’s just been a wild ride.
PopCultHQ – Have you ever thought about the possibility of DC taking her stories and your artwork and maybe making them into one of their animated feature films? What are your thoughts?
Ant Lucia –I would love to see that happen. I’ve had a lot of fans ask if that’s ever a possibility. I have no idea. But I would love to see it happen. I think the stories were so great and I think there’s enough of a fan following with the whole Bombshell community. It could be a possibility. Hopefully we’ll see it someday.
PopCultHQ – One final question before we let you go. Out of every character you’ve drawn, with the Bombshells, with the series and with everything else, who is by far your favorite one to illustrate? If you had to pick at least one.
Ant Lucia –Yeah, that’s tricky. I always say I think for the whole group Wonder Woman has been kind of the identity of the whole Bombshell’s for me and she’s kind of the epitome of the whole line. So I enjoy drawing her. But I’ve had a lot of practice with Harley. And she’s always exciting to draw because you can get a little more playful with her. So it would be a toss up between those two I would guess.
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About Ant Lucia
Very few alternate visions of established characters have captured the imaginations of fandom like the DC Bombshells. When Ant Lucia unveiled his designs for such characters as Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Harley Quinn, and the rest in the series the popularity exploded! His designs inspired a line of statues, lithographs, action figures, Funko POP figures and many more licensed products as well as a scores of cosplayers! DC Comics has returned to Ant Lucia’s world with the launch of new DC Bombshell comic. Ant continues his work on the Bombshell line with new DC Collectible statue designs and his cover work on the series. His cover work has been used on many DC titles including Action Comics, Aquaman, Batman, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Justice League Dark, Justice League United, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Detective Comics, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Earth 2, Teen Titans. Fans can interact with Ant on online and social media (links below).