Sunshine City Scare bills themselves as a new breed of horror convention, the first of its kind in St. Petersburg, FL. Most horror conventions focus on movies, yet this event brings anime and video game horror to the limelight.
Think of your typical anime con, but skip the Sailor Moon and Genshin Impact. Instead the focus is on Monster High, Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, and others of that ilk.
Activities included an evil maid cafe, a frightening idol group, cosplay contest, lip sync contests, and more. A few of the guests included voice actor Ryan Colt Levy, voice actor Landon McDonald, and anime voice actor Lindsay Seidel.
Nocedo Photo Group has proven you can expect great photography from them and they have chosen to share some of their photos with us. You can head over to their Flikr album to see the rest of the photos.
Keep an eye on Nocedo Photo Group for some other great photography work. You can find all of their links on Linktr.ee.

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