Playthrough is a two-day gaming convention which takes place in Raleigh, North Carolina. This year, the event was held over the March 18th weekend.

It’s a weekend-long extravaganza showcasing the latest games and providing an opportunity for gamers to meet others who share their passion. Whether you are interested in video games, eSports, tabletop games, or playtesting new creations, Playthrough has something for everyone!
Of course, this event also has cosplay and a great cosplay showcase event. Thanks to Nickolas Hogan of DP & Co. Photography, we get to see some great photos. Be sure to head over to his page to see the rest of his cosplay pics.
He can also be found at:
Instagram: DistalsPlace
Twitter: @distalsplace
TikTok: distalsplace
Twitch: DistalsPlace

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be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!