Duke City Comic Con is a three-day celebration for fans of the comic book universe and all its cultural offspring. This event is held annually in the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albuquerque, NM.

Celebrity guests this year were from across the board’ they had punk rock guests, voice actors, small and big screen actors, as well as a variety of artists. Some of the names in attendance were Casper Van Dien, Jackson Rathbone, Raymond Cruz, Richie Ramone, Austin St. James, and Victor Rivers. The comic book personalities they had were just as diverse from Archie Comics to Marvel Zombies. These names included Arthur Suydam, Jim Salicrup, Larry Wells, and several more. No matter your preferred genre, you were sure to find an an artist or celebrity that you liked.
Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.
Like all conventions we cover, there was also a lot of people who turned out in some fantastic cosplay costumes. Thanks to Edward Yee, we get to see some of these cosplays.

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