AnimeNEXT is an annual three-day anime convention held at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center in Edison, New Jersey. This is the largest independent anime convention in New York. The event is run by fans for fans.
This convention is big on games and offers everything from collectible card game tournaments to LARPing contests. They also have interactive games such as Family Feud, Name That Tune, Cosplay Chess, and The Dating Game. Voice actor guests to this year’s event included Bob Carter, Morgan Berry, Beau Billingslea, and Amanda Miller.
One of the most common complaints is that the event is split between two locations that are not even close, so shuttles ran between them. According to many reports, the shuttles between the locations were running a little erratically, but that could have been caused by traffic issues. Most people seemed to have fun, but there were several issues with security. There was an inconsistency in rules enforcement and several rude interactions.
Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.
Thanks to Connor Wong, we get to see some of the fantastic cosplay that was on-site.

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