PopCultHQ received an advance review copy of WILL EISNER’S A CONTRACT WITH GOD – CURATOR’S COLLECTION HC from Dark Horse Comics. Available May 30th, 2018, the creative team for this series features writing from and art from Will Eisner.
Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God Curator’s Collection HC
Writer: Will Eisner
Artist: Will Eisner
In Shops: May 30th, 2018
SRP: $195.00
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God–one of the most influential graphic novels of all time–reproduced at 1:1 size from the original art! This deluxe slipcase, two-volume hardcover set contains full-size, full-color reproductions of Eisner’s unpublished pencil layouts in one volume and his finished inked pages in the companion volume!
PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God Curator’s Collection HC
Will Eisner was and still is heralded as one of the greatest creative minds of the comics industry. Responsible for crafting in-depth narratives that excited the imagination. A Contract with God is a prime example of his writing style. Telling the stories of various members of a tenement on Dropsie Avenue, each one looks at these people’s lives and how they are impacted by everyday things. From money to love to work, life and death, all are touched within the building. This collection is a testament to Will’s stories and the impact they have made over the years.
Eisner’s artwork has always spoken for itself. It can be a mixture of things. Subtle and elegant, or loud and flashy. Or in the case of Contract with God, simple, but in that simplicity it conveys all the necessary things that tie into the writing. The lives of the people of the tenement, their lives and everything about them and around them. It may be colorless art, but that does not take away from it at all. In fact, the lack of color forces readers to pay attention to details that would normally go unnoticed. And that affirms Eisner’s ability as an artist and a legend.
PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:
Over many years, Will Eisner’s name and work have spun into legend. Now fans will get to enjoy one of his most pivotal works. In a gorgeous HC that is sure to bring endless hours of reading delight. The story, the art, it is all 100% Eisner-grade fantastic.
PopCultHQ’s Rating:
5 Out of 5 Stars

Will Eisner’s A Contract with God Curator’s Collection HC can be pre-ordered from the links below
and available at your local comic shop and online retailers Wednesday, May 30th!
Be sure to follow the creative team!
Writer/Artist – Will Eisner
Publisher – Dark Horse Comics