PopCultHQ received an advanced review copy of Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe #2 from Valiant Entertainment. Available February 21st, 2018, the creative team for this series features writing from Eliot Rahal, art from Joe Bennett, inks from Belardino Brabo, coloring from Ulises Arreola and lettering from Dave Sharpe.
Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…
Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe #2
Writers: Eliot Rahal
Artists: Joe Bennett
Inker: Belardino Brabo
Colorist: Ulises Arreola
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
In Shops: February 21st, 2018
SRP: $3.99
A blistering battle royale!
He betrayed his friends. He betrayed his country to save us all… In the wake of NINJAK VS. THE VALIANT UNIVERSE’s stunning digital debut – coming this winter to digital devices everywhere – get the full story behind the head-to-head showdowns, hero-on-hero collisions, and epic consequences that await as Ninjak goes it alone against a gauntlet of the Valiant Universe’s biggest and most beloved icons! Watch the live-action, episodic series… Then follow the action directly onto the comics page with extra-added action, intrigue, and revelations behind Ninjak’s grueling firefight against Valiants’ most indelible heroes – with red-hot creators Eliot Rahal (The Paybacks) and Joe Bennett (Deathstroke) calling the shots!
PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe #2
Eliot’s giving it his all for issue #2. Ninjak is now in the wind, and the full might of Unity is being marshaled against him. It will only get more intense and exciting from here on in as Eliot’s story gives way from classic Ninjak sneakiness and turns into the first of what will be many major superhero brawl extraordinaires.
Joe’s art is nothing short of magnificent. Fabulously wedded to Eliot’s writing, there is not a single panel that won’t keep people enthralled and encourage them to read on as Ninjak gets in further to save his friends. Valiant fans will especially some of the art devoted to specific heroes on certain pages highlighting their roles in the coming conflicts.
Belardino brought his A-game for inking this issue. The shading and linework on things like Ninjak’s costume and the costumes of the other heroes is fantastic. All of his inking helps bring Joe’s artwork further to life. And the detailing on things like nature scenes or buildings or even something as simple as water, just shows Belardino’s level of dedication.
Ulises’s got to have some fun for this book. With so many superheroes crowding the pages, that means more costumes to chose the colors for. Things like Ninjak’s shoulder armor and mask, Bloodshot’s costume, X-O Manowar’s armor. Its a color-fest for fans and that mean’s getting a taste of what kinds of coloring will be coming in later issues, making it all the more appealing and enjoyable.
Dave’s lettering took an even more exciting turn. With Ninjak having to face down his friends and fellow heroes, this means a lot more heavy comic book action to letter. From fight sequences to explosions to even the dialogue/banter between characters, its page after page after page showcasing Dave’s excellent work as letterer.
PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:
Let the plot be kicked up a notch. Things are heating up as Valiant’s various heroes confront one of their own, and the plot thickens in the process. It’s a page turner of epic proportions that is only going to pull Valiant’s loyal fans further in and draw in newcomers as well.
PopCultHQ’s Rating:
5 Out of 5 Stars