[Comic Book Review] Image Comics’ CLOVER HONEY Special Edition TPB by Rich Tommaso


PopCultHQ received an advance review copy of CLOVER HONEY Special Edition TPB from Image Comics. Available April 11th, 2018, the creative team for this series features writing and art from Rich Tommaso.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…

CLOVER HONEY Special Edition TPB

Writer: Rich Tommaso
Artist: Rich Tommaso
Cover Artist: Rich Tommaso

Item Code: FEB180544
In Shops: Apr 11, 2018
SRP: $12.99


Abigail is an aspiring hitwoman out to prove her value to the family. She braves the wilds of Newark, overpriced parking, traffic jams, and bad hair days to track down Trevor, her former mentor, who is on the lam with a big briefcase full of mob dough. A beautifully revised, redrawn, and expanded special edition, approved by artist RICH TOMMASO.

PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
CLOVER HONEY Special Edition TPB


Rich has always been the kind of writer to come up with wonderful and creative stories that speak a lot about people and the human condition. Inside this TP is another such story. It isn’t about heroes and villains, and it doesn’t have a happy ending. What it does have is the sort of tale that is a little dark and a lot serious. The kind that will have people thinking long and hard about life once they put it down, and then want to pick it right back up all over again.


For this particular TP, Rich gives another example of how multi-talented he is as an artist. The pages here are laid out in a fine grid style, with a variety of medium to long panels that all help move the narrative along in a neat fashion. Rich has a penchant for this book with doing panels that focus on the character’s faces and their emotions, rendered in fabulous pen and ink by his good self. It’s one of the hallmarks of any Rich Tommaso book, people come for the story and stay for the art.

PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:

Welcome to another interesting and serious story from the mind of Rich Tommaso. There’s not a lot of happiness in the book, but it does have one defining thing going for it. And that thing is it is another gift from Rich and his gifted self to readers everywhere who enjoy his comics.

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

5 Out of 5 Stars

CLOVER HONEY Special Edition TPB can be purchased on ComiXology
and available at your local comic shop and online retailers on April 11th, 2018!

Be sure to follow the creative team!

Writer/Artist – Rich Tommaso






Publisher – Image Comics