Comic PreviewsComic ReviewsNew Comic Book Day [Comic Book Review] Marvel Comics’ DAREDEVIL (2019) #2 PopCultHQ received an advance review copy... Adrian CareFeb 27, 2019Feb 27, 2019
Comic BooksHistoryMovies / TV [Comic Book History] The History of Shazam!: A Look at the DC Comics Character’s Evolution March is nearly here and that... Joshua WinchesterFeb 27, 2019Feb 27, 2019
Comic PreviewsComic Reviewsindependent ComicNew Comic Book Day [Comic Book Review] IDW Publishing’s PUNKS NOT DEAD: LONDON CALLING #1 PopCultHQ received an advance review copy... Adrian CareFeb 26, 2019Feb 26, 2019
independent ComicInterview [Interview] Chad Cicconi – Writer/Artist of Action Lab: Danger Zone’s THE NULL FAERIES There’s a world out there, just... Jason BennettFeb 24, 2019Feb 26, 2019
Comic Books [Podcasts] Invasion of the Pod People Maybe terrestrial radio isn’t what it... Adrian CareFeb 22, 2019Feb 22, 2019
Comic PreviewsComic ReviewsNew Comic Book Day [Comic Book Review] Marvel Comics’ RETURN OF WOLVERINE #5 (of 5) PopCultHQ received an advance review copy... Adrian CareFeb 20, 2019Feb 20, 2019
Comic PreviewsComic ReviewsNew Comic Book Day [Comic Book Review] Marvel Comics’ UNCANNY X-MEN #12 PopCultHQ received an advance review copy... Adrian CareFeb 20, 2019Feb 20, 2019
Comic PreviewsComic ReviewsNew Comic Book Day [Comic Book Review] Marvel Comics’ AGE OF X-MAN: THE AMZING NIGHTCRAWLER #1 (of 5) PopCultHQ received an advance review copy... Adrian CareFeb 20, 2019Feb 25, 2019
Comic Reviewsindependent Comic [Comic Book Review] Dark Horse’s THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: “Apocalypse Suite” TPB PopCultHQ received a review copy of... Adrian CareFeb 17, 2019Feb 17, 2019
independent Comic [Creator Spotlight] “Stuntman” Joe Khachadourian of IDENTITY STUNT It was a random episode of... Adrian CareFeb 14, 2019Feb 14, 2019