[Book Review] Baen Books: ‘Arkad’s World’

Arkad's World by James L Cambias
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Arkad's World by James L Cambias


Young Arkad is the only human on a distant world, on his own among beings from across the Galaxy. His struggle to survive on the lawless streets of an alien city is disrupted by the arrival of three humans: an eccentric historian named Jacob, a superhuman cyborg girl called Baichi, and a mysterious ex-spy known as Ree. They seek a priceless treasure that might free Earth from alien domination.

Arkad risks everything to join them on an incredible quest halfway across the planet. With his help, they cross the fantastic landscape, battling pirates, mercenaries, bizarre creatures, vicious bandits, and the harsh environment. But the deadliest danger comes from treachery and betrayal within the group, as dark secrets and hidden loyalties come to light. 

Arkad is the only human on a planet inhabited by multiple races. He has grown up on this planet, learning to survive and eke out his existence. Through necessity, he is a scavenger and a thief. When he learns there are other humans on the planet, he desperately seeks them out, hoping to find a way to a better life. The group then embarks on an adventurous journey that takes Arkad around the world and into his past.

This is a fun, energetic read… until the end. It is a fun adventure that shows you aspects of various alien cultures. The world-building is extraordinary. I love how the author explores different mannerisms and ways of communication among the alien races.

I had a blast reading this until the end, then it felt like Mr. Cambias either ran out of ideas or time. We go from this lovely adventure, exploring landscapes and cultures to a violent confrontation. We had always known what was coming at the end; betrayal, confrontation, and discovery. But the end of this novel is hurried and rushed. Everything happens at once, with limited explanations and before you know it the heroes are in space with a new ship..

It has the feel of the old school sci-fi novels with a traditional quest with several side quests. Arkad’s World is unique in this age in that it stands on its own as an independent story. The world building is spectacular and Arkad is a character you want to know more about. Overall, this book is an enjoyable read, but not one I am likely to recommend to a friend.

I give it Three out of Five Stars.

Edited by: James L. Cambias
Cover Art by: Dave Seeley

PopCultHQ Rating - 3 Stars
PopCultHQ Rating – 3 Stars

How we rate our Books

1 = We finished the book with effort

2 = Readable, but more fluff than substance

3 = Good

4 = Pretty Good and worth passing on to your friends

5 = We couldn’t put the book down

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