The Batman Actors: Ranked from Worst to Best
Every comic fan will have an opinion when it comes to the best and worst Batman actors. While many might think Christian Bale was the best Bruce Wayne/Batman of…
[Interview] Cosplay Spotlight – Black Zero Cosplay
Black Zero Cosplay is a midwest cosplayer with over 10 years of experience and two Wizard World Chicago wins under his belt. His first cosplay was a Mandalorian and…
Cosplay Spotlight: Timothy R. Harrison
Tim Harrison of HDC Cosplay and Fabrication is a long time cosplayer, propmaster and all-around tech geek. Reptile (AKA Laird of Cosplay) had the opportunity to corner to him for…
PopCultHQ’s Reptile Talks to Star Wars Fans at C2E2 2017
C2E2 has come and gone, but while attending the convention, I thought I would join in with the cosplay theme. I kicked in my hologram mode and I slipped into…
PopCultHQ Trivia: How well do you know Big Hero 6?
Are you a Big Hero 6 Fan? Find out how much you know actually know about the show, suit up and take our trivia challenge.