April Carvelli
[Cosplay 101] SKS Props Foam Tips and Tricks: Protecting Your Weapon Tips
Steven of SKS Props shows us his trick to protect the tips of your foam weapons. He suggests that you apply a super glue or resin to the tip…
[Cosplay Photos] Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention 2022
Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention (WWWC) is the largest Western-style Steampunk Convention in the United States. This event has been active in the Tucson area since 2011. Steampunk is inspired by…
[Book Review] Baen Books: ‘Straight Outta Dodge City’
[Cosplay Photos] Hall of Heroes Comic Con 2022
The event occurred over the March 5th weekend at the Hall of Heroes Super Hero Museum om Elkhart, IN.
[Cosplay Photos] Katsucon 2022
Katsucon was held February 18th-20th at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center.
[Cosplay Photos] Northwest Indiana Comic-Con – Part 2
Here is my second batch of photos from the Northwest Indiana Comic-Con (NWI)
[Cosplay Photos] Northwest Indiana Comic-Con – Part 1
The Northwest Indiana Comic Con was held on Saturday, February 12th at the Lake County Fairgrounds in Crown Point, Indiana.
[Cosplay Photos] KupoCon 2022
The latest KupoCon event was called RetroPom and it was held February 5th in London, England.
[Cosplay Interview] ‘Matchbox Makerspace’: Mark Meer
Watch the interview conducted by Matchbox Makerspace.