An Exclusive Interview and Look at Big Dog Ink’s: “Joan of Arc” with Tom Hutchison


Big Dog Ink has a BRAND NEW series to the Joan of Arc saga written by famed comic writer Tom Hutchison (Legends of OZ), only this time he is teamed up with another wonderful scribe, CW Cooke (Solitary, Barrens)!  Joan of Arc also has a dizzying array of superstar artists with the likes of CB Zane and Ceci de la Cruz, and variant covers by the amazing Nei Ruffino, Shannon Maer, and Jose Luis! This is an all new 9×12 oversized, quarterly series that will NOT BE AVAILABLE IN STORES but will be available for pre-order. Full details below!

From the pages of Penny for Your Soul, Joan of Arc finds herself as the new protector of the Ark of the Covenant and must keep its power away from both Heaven and Hell. Each of the Joan of Arc 
exclusive variant covers are limited to only 100 copies so fans have to act fast!

PopCultHQ spoke with writer and head of Big Dog Ink, Tom Hutchison, to get the low-down on his masterful steampunk angel creation, Joan of Arc, and how it was working with so many talented people on this project. In our exclusive interview, Tom also shares a few stunning pages of the upcoming hit title that will be sure to strike a spear of love right though the hearts of all Steampunk and non-steamers alike. I am not a fan of Steampunk myself, but I absolutely LOVE what I see so far from everyone involved with the Joan of Arc BDI Super Special.




BDI Exclusive Limited Variant Covers

PopCultHQ Exclusive Interview with Tom Hutchison 

PopCultHQ: How does it feel to get Joan of Arc another coming out party?

Tom Hutchison: “As for me personally, Joan is one of my treasured characters. I really enjoyed writing her in the Penny for Your Soul series, in which she debuted, as well as her own mini-series.

She connects to me in similar ways that Critter does.

CW Cooke has been bugging me to write this Joan series for quite some time. His persistence paid off and we started to develop an ongoing series for our steampunk angel, and unfortunately the Aspen merger in 2014 put a stop to it just as we were getting started. We didn’t want to continue producing work when we knew we were going to be doing some element of reprints through Aspen, which is why all our titles stopped somewhat abruptly. But now, CW and I have rest the story we had intended to tell and added some new elements and this first BDI Super Special, which may be released quarterly starting in April, is going to be everything CW and I wanted, and more.”


PopCultHQ: How is working with this fantastic creative crew you have assembled?

Tom Hutchison: “I’m very proud of everyone who banded together so quickly on this book and the pre-sales have already been moving like gangbusters. This is the start of something very different in the marketplace, so I hope everyone is ready for a whole new way of doing things.

If I didn’t believe that CW could handle her story, I would not be releasing this book with him at the helm. My name is on the writing credits mainly due to the few pages I wrote within his overall story, and I, of course, helped him along with details from the Penny series that no one would really have known except me, since i know where all of these stories lead.

The art team of CB Zane and Ceci de la Cruz is nothing short of incredible. They worked together on the new Critter back up stores we added to the Aspen re-release of that series, and I knew I had found lightning in a bottle. I am forever grateful to have been able to get them together on this new format and new series.”

PopCultHQ: Thank you so much Tom for this. This is all some amazingly wonderful stuff you got going on over at BDI and this wonderful winner of a title Joan of Arc! Also a huge thanks for giving us at PopCultHQ the opportunity to share a first look sneak peek at the first three pages of Joan of Arc!


Joan of Arc BDI Super Special – Preview pages:

This is a preorder and the books will begin to ship at the end of March and early April. All four covers are available to PRE ORDER right now on the Big Dog Ink website.

BDI Super Special: Joan of Arc Spring 2016 | 20pg. | Color | $15.00 US + shipping

Do not miss your opportunity to pre-order yours TODAY!



Big Dog Ink