Alterna Comics: 2016’s IF Anthology Sells Out at Publisher Level – Bring On 2017’s Anthology!

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Alterna Comics is happy to announce that the 2016 IF Anthology has sold out at the publisher level.  Copies may still be available from retailers and creators of the anthology.  At this time, no plans have been made to go back to print on the title.
Celebrating a new theme with every annual release, 2016’s “IF” features almost 100 creators from around the world, joining forces to tell 40 tales of the (super) human condition.  The IF Anthology is sold in comic shops and can also be found in Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and wherever books are sold.
The IF Anthology, which was created by Alterna publisher Peter Simeti in 2015, tackles a different theme every year.  “Science fiction” was the theme of 2015’s book, “Super Powers” was the theme for 2016.  The upcoming 2017 IF Anthology will revolve around the theme of “Crime” — and will carry the title’s first mature rating.  Submissions are currently being accepted here.


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About Alterna Comics:
Founded in 2006 by Peter Simeti, Alterna Comics titles are distributed worldwide in print and digital formats and in several languages. Alterna is home to the New York Times Best-Selling Graphic Books zombie war series “FUBAR” as well as the psychological horror thriller “THE CHAIR” which has been adapted to film (starring Roddy Piper, Zach Galligan, Noah Hathaway, Bill Oberst Jr, and Naomi Grossman). One of the leading independent publishers of creator-owned comics, Alterna currently publishes over 60 critically-acclaimed titles in multiple genres and formats. Alterna Comics titles are distributed to the comic market by Diamond Comics Distributors; to the book and ebook market by IPG (Independent Publishers Group); and to newsstands by PDG (Publishers Distribution Group).
*** info courtesy of Alterna Comics
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