[Comic Book Review] Image Comics’ BLACK SCIENCE Vol. 7: “Extinction is the Rule” TPB

Black Science Vol. 7

PopCultHQ received an advance review copy of BLACK SCIENCE Vol. 7: “Extinction is the Rule” TPB from Image Comics. Available March 21st, 2018, the creative team for this series features writing from Rick Remender, art by Matteo Scalera, colors from Moreno Dinisio, and letters by Rus Wooton.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…

BLACK SCIENCE Vol. 7: “Extinction is the Rule” TPB

Story: Rick Remender
Art: Matteo Scalera
Colors: Moreno Dinisio
Letters: Rus Wooton
Cover: Matteo Scalera

Collects BLACK SCIENCE #31-34
Published: March 21, 2018
Diamond ID: DEC170675
Age Rating: M

The Eververse is collapsing under its own weight. The Dimensionauts, a ragtag collection of heroes, scientists, and anarchists from countless alternate realities, must band together and head towards the center of the Onion, the infinite-layered construct of all there is, was, and ever could be. Grant McKay created the Pillar to save the world with science, and now he must use it to save all worlds, all of creation, or doom reality itself to oblivion.

PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
BLACK SCIENCE Vol. 7: “Extinction is the Rule” TPB


Rick has just kept on bringing nothing but sheer brilliance to the world he’s created. The way he bookends this chapter of the series is almost like a comic book novel. Each part, from beginning to middle to end, all of it flows in an excellent synchronous harmony. Grant McKay’s journey throughout the course of ‘Black Science’ has been an interesting one, but here, there’s a fluid narrative that adds more to who he is. And it’s all from the mind and imagination of Rick Remender.


Matteo’s artwork in this TP is pure comic book wish fulfillment. Every page and every panel are jam packed with eye-popping artwork. Even the pages when there is no action or crazy super-science, these pages are that nice and beautifully laid out breaking from the heady chaos that unfolds within the book.

Moreno’s coloring for the TP are insane, madcap coloring magic. There is no end to the amount of wonder he has produced for the book. It’s as if he took nearly every color known to humanity, mixed them up to create new ones and then went to town on giving colorful life to Matteo’s pages.

Rus Wooton has been doing wonders lettering Black Science and its TPs. Volume 7 contains a lot of the sort of lettering one doesn’t always expect in a book like Black Science. It has a lot of internal thoughts, deep ones from Grant that give readers a real insight into what he is feeling as the plot progresses. These humanizing thoughts add something deep, thanks to Rus and his fine work.

PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:

The fight for Grant McKay and his team keeps on getting more and more escalated. Now the line has been drawn as their enemies make moves to take them down and stop the Pillar. Will they succeed or will Grant and everyone else be able to do what it is they do best, save the day? Pick up the TP and find out.

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

5 Out of 5 Stars

BLACK SCIENCE Vol. 7: “Extinction is the Rule” TPB can be purchased on ComiXology
and available at your local comic shop and online retailers on March 21st, 2018!

Be sure to follow the creative team!

Writer- Rick Remender






Artist – Matteo Scalera






Colorist – Moreno Dinisio






Letterer – Rus Wooton






Publisher – Image Comics