Gallifrey One is a convention dedicated to the British Sci-Fi TV show Doctor Who. This is one of the largest and longest-running annual Doctor Who fan conventions. This event started in 1990 and has usually occurred over Presidents’ Day Weekend at the Marriott Los Angeles Airport Hotel.
Their 34th year was celebrated with the theme of “Miracle on 34th St”. Given the amount of outstanding Christmas specials, this is a fantastic theme and a great way to honor the series.
One fantastically weird but fun thing this event does is a pre-con meet and greet. Meet and greets with fellow attendees are not unusual in themselves. What makes this event unique is that they run over to the local burger joint, In-N-Out burgers across the street. It’s officially in the schedule, new this year is that they also added a walk to a vegan friendly restaurant down the street.
Our new thing for 2024 is to ask our readers to take a poll on some basic components of the con. We want to know how you rate the parking, the vendors and the food. The poll closes after 30 days and we will use this as a baseline for next years convention. We hope to eventually have a rating system set up for many of the conventions.
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This is a celebrity driven convention and over the years they have pulled in several big names from the series run. This year’s guest list included Billie Piper, Alex Kingston, and Sir Derek Jacobi. Past celebrities have included Jodie Whittaker, Colin Baker, Christopher Eccleston, Peter Davison and Pearl Mackie. They don’t lack on guests from both the past and present series.
Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.
Thanks to Lucas Micromatis we get to see some of the fantastic cosplay that was on display this year.
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