
Cosplay Photos: BlurrieCon 2018

Blurriecon 2018 feature
April Carvelli Avatar

For the sixth year, BlurrieCon has come to Erie, Pennsylvania. BlurrieCon is produced by the Anime Club of Erie (ACE), a local independent anime club.

This is one of those conventions that came about almost by accident. In 2013, the Erie Anime Experience was closed with only thirty days notice.  The fans felt that left a void so in that short timeframe, they arranged a new convention that was dubbed BlurrieCon.  The first convention was small, but it grew from there, moving to a larger venue the following year and two years later an even larger venue.

This year was once again a challenge for them as they lost their venue, but thanks to Gannon University, they found a new home while keeping their date.

Special thanks to Bruce of Cosplay Photos by Bruce W for the great photos. Check out his Facebook page to see more of them.


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