[Video] What We Watched: Fun Clips from the Past Week – December 21 – 27

While we’re all staying at home, a lot of us are watching things online. With the plethora of videos available, and more being created every day, it’s an enjoyable way to pass the time and bring a little fun into our lives. Some of these may be brand new, some may be older, but here are a few of the videos I enjoyed this week.

I love watching videos of home light shows, but this has to be one of my favorites. It’s not set to a piece of Christmas music or a popular song, but rather Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in honor of the composer’s 250th birthday earlier this month. The lights are perfectly synced to the music – bright with the high points, and more subtle when the music gets quieter. Enjoy!

Star Wars music is not known for its lyrics, but what if the theme song for The Mandalorian had lyrics? This video asks that question, with hilarious results!

There are Christmas standards that have been around as long as anyone can remember, songs that we sing and listen to every year… and then there’s those that are just plain weird. “Every Moment Is Christmas With You” by Icelandic artist Daði Freyr isn’t overly weird is you just listen to the lyrics, but the video for the song is were it truly veers off into the realm of weird. The disembodied face superimposed over scenes of Christmas truly is a sight to behold!

Earlier this week it was announced that McDonald’s restaurants in China would be offering a Spam and Oreo burger for a limited time. Youtuber emmymadeinjapan decided to try making one, and was quite surprised by the results!

Elf has quickly become a favorite holiday movie for many with Will Ferrell‘s signature humor, and the movie’s relentlessly cheerful holiday spirit. This couple decided to recreate parts of the movie, with hilarious results! The second video is of them making Buddy’s meal of pasta loaded with all manner of sweets from the movie, and I was absolutely cracking up! It looks terrible, so I can’t even imagine what it might actually taste like!

Director Robert Rodriguez gives us a small look behind the scenes of what it’s like to work on the set of The Mandalorian, and what a delight Grogu is even when he isn’t in front of the cameras!


What do you get a Wookie for Christmas? They might not necessarily celebrate Christmas in a galaxy far, far away like we do, but this entertaining video posits what you might get that special Wookie in you life as a gift for Life Day.

And for your weekly dose of furry animals, enjoy this video of cats just being cats!

What have you been watching this week?