[Video Interview] “Pants Optional” – Episode IX: David Pepose of THE O.Z. #1 ~ Now on Kickstarter!

“Pants Optional” is a new Zoom video interview feature where we connect with individuals within the comic book community. It’s a way to see/hear what creators have been doing during a quarantine, projects which may be in motion during this downtime, and noteworthy events and happenings taking place in lieu of conventions, appearances, and the weekly NCBD grind.

For Episode IX, we have a Kickstarter Spotlight Edition! I spoke with multiple Ringo-nominated writer David Pepose – writer for Action Lab Entertainment‘s SPENCER & LOCKE, SPENCER & LOCKE 2, and GOING TO THE CHAPEL. David was our guest on Episode I and now he’s BACK with a creator-owned project he is releasing on Kickstarter.

So sit back and enjoy as we speak all things THE O.Z. (formerly codename Project Saffron), the incredible creative team assembled (Ruben Rojas, Whitney Cogar, DC Hopkins), and why David chose crowdfunding to get this story out.

Special thanks to David Pepose for taking the time to speak with us. Be sure to follow David and his titles online (links below), and definitely check out and back THE O.Z. #1!

RELATED: Cruisin’ Comic Con w/ Creators – Ep. 2: David Pepose

If you are an industry professional and are interested in being featured in our “Pants Optional” segment, drop me a line at tahoejbennett@popculthq.com and let’s see what we can put together!

Writer – David Pepose

David Pepose has worked for numerous entertainment companies around the country, including CBS, Netflix, Universal Studios and DC Comics. When not developing properties for comics, TV and film, David has also written and performed at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, Gotham Comedy Club and PUNDERDOME 3000. A St. Louis native and a former New York City transplant, David now resides in sunny Los Angeles.
















THE O.Z. Online:




