The coronavirus pandemic, and subsequent stay-at-home orders imposed across the United States, has altered the comic book industry. Whether it’s conventions being cancelled or postponed, the distribution of comic books halted with Diamond Comic Distributors temporarily closing their doors, or local comic shops being forced to close their doors (either temporarily or permanently), the industry as a whole has had to alter its way of thinking with regards to how business is done.
This has also made us here at PopCultHQ need to re-evaluate the way in which we provide coverage with our comic book coverage. Typically, here has always been plenty of news & announcements coming from publishers, the weekly New Comic Book Day (NCBD) previews and review copies, and convention/signing appearances by creators that would keep me busy with content to provide on our site. Like, ridiculously busy. But that’s changed. I don’t see any comic cons in the near future in which I will be attending on-site to cover for PopCultHQ. That means interviews with creators at the events have been suspended indefinitely. But just as many creators and publishers seek new, different, and/or innovative ways to reach and connect with fans, so, too, have we sought new methods for providing fresh content and continuing to deliver forms of entertainment with which to satisfy your craving for comic books.
“Pants Optional” is a new Zoom video interview feature where we connect with individuals within the comic book community. It’s a way to see/hear what creators have been doing during a quarantine, projects which may be in motion during this downtime, and noteworthy events and happenings taking place in lieu of conventions, appearances, and the weekly NCBD grind.
For Episode I, I spoke with David Pepose – writer for Action Lab Entertainment‘s SPENCER & LOCKE, SPENCER & LOCKE 2, and GOING TO THE CHAPEL. The multiple Ringo Award-nominated creator has made the best of this situation in keeping busy with new projects, a virtual comic convention you won’t want to miss, and doing charity work within the industry. David and I jumped right into our conversation so jump right in and peep what Pep has going on!
Special thanks to David Pepose for taking the time to speak with us. Be sure to follow David and his titles online (links below), don’t forget to check out Mainframe Comic Con on April 25-26th, and sign up for the Pep Talks newsletter to keep up with David and how he is continuing to move forward and create.
RELATED: Cruisin’ Comic Con w/ Creators – Ep. 2: David Pepose
If you are an industry professional and are interested in being featured in our “Pants Optional” segment, drop me a line at and let’s see what we can put together!
Writer – David Pepose
David Pepose has worked for numerous entertainment companies around the country, including CBS, Netflix, Universal Studios and DC Comics. When not developing properties for comics, TV and film, David has also written and performed at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, Gotham Comedy Club and PUNDERDOME 3000. A St. Louis native and a former New York City transplant, David now resides in sunny Los Angeles.