PopcultHQ Interviews
ECCC 2017: PopCultHQ Interviews Writer/Artist Matt Kindt
PopCultHQ was fortunate to be on hand to cover the 15th Annual Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, WA. One of the highlights for us was the number of remarkable…
PopCultHQ Comic Creators Spotlight: Brockton McKinney, Corey Kalman, Devin Roth of AMERIKARATE by Action Lab: Danger Zone
Action Lab: Danger Zone is coming hard in 2017! With newly-released series DOLLFACE, Damon Clark’s THE CIRCLE, COUGAR & CUB, and this past week’s debut of INFINITE SEVEN, PopCultHQ…
PopCultHQ Comic Creator Spotlight Interview: RAY FAWKES
PopCultHQ had the pleasure of interviewing comic creator Ray Fawkes, who currently has his book JACKPOT! four issues deep with AfterShock Comics, a publisher who has sent tremors throughout the comic…
PopCultHQ Interview: ‘MAN DOWN’ Screenwriter – Adam G. Simon
Adam G. Simon, screenwriter for the upcoming film Man Down, is a good friend of PopCultHQ. Our late founder, Manny Popoca, had the opportunity to meet and interview Adam…
Cosplay Spotlight – Deadpoolicorn
I’m sure we have all seen this Horse’s Ass, err uhmmm…. Unicorn Head walking around the convention floor. Many of us have even posed for photos with him…all the…
Cosplay Spotlight – Victori Belle
I think I first met Victori Belle earlier this year at the DuPage Mighty Con, where she had a small table and was dressed as Harley-Quinn. Since then it…
PopCultHQ Cosplay Spotlight Interview: Chunky Girls Comics & Universe (Wizard World Sacramento)
Shouldn’t we all aspire to love ourselves? I mean, really love ourselves… regardless of our age, race, sexual orientation, physical limitations, disabilities, and the shape of our bodies? More…