[Preview] BOOM! Studios’ 4/17 Release: LOTUS LAND #6 (of 6)
The FINAL ISSUE of the Cerebral Cyberpunk Mystery Hits Shelves this Wednesday!

[Preview] Dark Horse Comics’ 4/17 Release: John Carpenter’s TOXIC COMMANDO: Rise of the Sludge God #2 (of 3)
A group of private military contractors wade through the muck & clean up Leon's mess… but is it too late?

[Preview] Dark Horse Comics’ 3/27 Release: BLACK HAMMER: The End #6 (of 6)
Lucy Weber once again takes the mantle of Black Hammer...

[Preview] BOOM! Studios’ 3/20 Release: LOTUS LAND #5 (of 6)
Bennie and Wickstrom uncover more details in the drowning girl’s case...

[Preview] Dark Horse Comics’ 3/20 Release: STRANGER THINGS: The Voyage #4 (of 4)
Dr. Karine is determined to get her Demogorgon specimen back to Russia.

[Preview] Dark Horse Comics’ 3/13 Release: JOHN CARPENTER’S TOXIC COMMANDO: Rise of the Sludge God #1
Humanity's last hope against a toxic future rests w/ a private group of commandos...

[Preview] BOOM Studios’ 2/21 Release: LOTUS LAND #4 (of 6)
Bennie pays a visit to a club in Gastown where “The Twin” plies his trade.

[NCBD 1/24] BOOM! Studios: LOTUS LAND #3 (of 6)
Bennie is in dire bloody straits...

[NCBD 1/17] Dark Horse Comics: STRANGER THINGS: The Voyage #3 (of 4)
Captain Jacoby and what's left of his crew go on the hunt...

[NCBD 1/17] Dark Horse Comics: BLACK HAMMER: The End #5 (of 6)
The penultimate issue is here!